Version 1.2

  • A new export option, Create Tabbed Document, allows you to combine separate group files in to a single spreadsheet. The option is only available when outputting to Excel format.

  • A new Update filter value on run option for filter conditions allows you to update the default value for an ask-at-runtime prompt with the latest value used to run the report.

  • If you turn on ask-at-runtime for an expression based filter, the expression is now evaluated and used as the default value for the value prompt.

  • You can now define parameters in a report template, and the parameters will be added to any report that uses the template. This allows you to create templates that prompt the user for a value, and display or use that value somewhere when running the report.

  • You can now use a cron expression as the trigger for a schedule.

  • You can now enter more text for the title of a report.

  • Tags that aren’t accessible or have been deleted are now removed from a report definition when exporting.

  • When outputting a cross-tab to an Excel pivot table, the columns are now named using the column headings in the report.

  • Improved loading performance and support for large reports in the advanced layout editor.

  • Improved support for executing stored procedures with “EXEC” in a SQL Passthrough report.

  • Is-one-of filter conditions with no values are now automatically ignored when running a report.

  • When a report is deleted, any schedule that used that report is now automatically updated.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug with compound filter conditions not working correctly when the query for a report is split.

  • Fixed a bug with summary values on charts not handling mixed case values.

  • Fixed a bug with the Top N option not working properly for chart reports.

  • Fixed a bug with reports using old/saved parameter values when running instead of the entered value.

  • Fixed a bug with filter groups getting removed when “is between” filter conditions are automatically converted to a date range.

  • Fields with a lot of text now automatically force Word Wrap to be on. This works around a GDI+ error that occurs otherwise.

  • Fixed a bug with custom SQL Statements not handling parameter values properly.

  • Fixed an issue with the Contains operator for a filter not working on calculated values.

  • Fixed a bug with automatic parameter naming for SQL Passthrough reports.

  • Fixed a bug with reports containing the same field more than once.