Version 1.3

  • You can now define named groups of filter conditions called Filter Sets. Changing the active filter set for a report will change the filter conditions used when running the report.

  • Parameters and parameter values for SQL Passthrough reports are now handled like report filter conditions instead of report parameters. This means you can use existing filtering features like ask-at-runtime, expressions, is-one-of lists, and Filter Sets with SQL Passthrough reports.

  • When scheduling a report that has multiple filter sets defined, you can choose the filter set to use for each task in the schedule. This means that you can re-use the same report multiple times in a schedule with different sets of filter criteria for each.

  • Schedules have a new “Combine email attachments” option. If turned on, the scheduler will send the fewest emails possible for that schedule.

  • The template list now shows a preview/sample of the selected template.

  • Added a new crosstab template style, SummaryFieldStyle, that only applies to the last row of each page. This allows you to apply specific styles to the summary row.

  • Change % and Change Amount columns in a crosstab report now support the count summary type.

  • You can now define the vertical and horizontal position of a chart legend, allowing you to place a legend above or below a chart.

  • You can now search the list of schedules by user, name, report name, or email.

  • You can now search the list of formulas

  • Administrators can now search the list of users by name, email, role, or tenant.

  • The manage Reports/Schedules/Tags dialog can now be used to update the report owner for multiple reports.

  • You can now migrate multiple schedules or tags to a new user or delete multiples from the new manage Reports/Schedules/Tags dialog.

  • The tab key will now enter an email address for a schedule recipient when creating a schedule.

  • You can now toggle the Display real table and field names setting from the report wizards and the formula editor. The default setting will still respect the current user’s preference.

Bug Fixes

  • When creating a SQL Passthrough report, the SQL input now updates as soon as the value changes, so you no longer need to click the OK button twice.

  • Fixed a bug where the border style for a crosstab table header cell was not being respected under certain conditions.

  • Changed cross-platform drawing library from Skia to DXGraphics. This fixes a number of spacing and sizing issues that only appeared when running in a linux container.

  • Fixed a bug where special characters in a report name caused problems if that report was used in a dashboard.

  • Fixed a bug with the GetConditionValue function.

  • Fixed a bug with chart fonts not getting saved properly.

  • When a chart has an advanced layout and multiple series, each series is now recreated when re-running the chart.

  • Fixed a bug with deleting an advanced layout for a chart report.

  • Fixed issue with “currently selected item” style for a number of themes.

  • Tag items now have a darker font when using the Slate theme.

  • Fixed a bug with user display for a selected report.

  • Fixed a bug where a formula with group filters could not be copied.

  • Fixed a bug where you could not download the application logs package if a crashdump.txt file existed.

  • Fixed a bug where you were unable to load a report if there was a problem with the filter conditions.

  • Fixed an issue with the expression editor not appearing properly in the advanced report designer.