Horizon Reports can create mailing or other types of labels. For example, you can create mailing labels to send birthday cards to contacts, name badges for a conference, envelopes, and so forth. After selecting the fields for the label, you can select what type of label to print on.
To create a label report, choose Label Report from the New menu.
There are six steps in the Label Report Wizard:
Step 1: Information: specify the report name, comments, and tags.
Step 2: Data Selection: choose the fields for the report and how they should be formatted.
Step 3: Sorting: select how the fields are grouped and sorted.
Step 4: Filtering: choose which records to include and exclude.
Step 5: Report Options: specify the orientation, template, paper size, margins, and other options.
Step 6: Security: select which roles can access the report.
To move from one step to another in the wizard, click the next or previous buttons or choose a specific step number from the toolbar at the bottom.
The bottom right of the wizard has buttons to preview the report, cancel editing the report, or finish and save the report. You can preview your report any time after you have selected at least one field in the report. This is handy, since you can change something in the report, preview it to see how it looks, change it, preview again, and so on.